João Mansur
João Mansur , founding partner of Joao Mansur Arquitetura Design and Art, born in Rio de Janeiro , Graduated in 1975 in Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo Santa Ursula ( FAUSU - RJ ).
Specialization in light design and engeneering facilities. Graduated in 1976 in Pontificia Universidade Católica ( PUC - RJ ) in managent admnistration. He began his career as an intern at Estrela Engenharia, a family business
based in Rio de Janeiro, remaining until 1980, when he held the position of director general of the architectural field and works.
In 1980, he moved to São Paulo after being hired by Construtora Octavio Pires as the architect responsible for the design department and works, becoming a partner two Years after his hiring.
João Mansur Opens his own company João Mansur Architecture Design Art in 1984.